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Global Health & Medicine -> 2024 Vol.6(No.6)

HIV-1 protease inhibitors and mechanisms of HIV-1's resistance
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):357-362.
Original Article
Adverse reactions to mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in people with allergies in Japan
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):363-374.
Imaging of unicentric hyaline-vascular variant of Castleman disease: Emphasis on perilesional fat stranding and fatty proliferation
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):375-382.
Suicide attempt and self-harm among hospitalized children in Japan: A nationwide inpatient database study
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):383-393.
Prevalence of physical frailty and its associated factors among elderly patients undergoing hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery in China
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):394-403.
Higher FIB-4 index at baseline predicts development of liver cancer in a community-based cohort with viral hepatitis
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):404-415.
Brief Report
Analysis of recent changes in treatment options for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma using data from a highly comprehensive Japanese national database: Impact of advances in systemic therapy and minimally invasive surgery
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):416-419.
Patient-specific brain fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography can detect the first effects of combination antiretroviral therapy in patient with HIV infection
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):420-426.
Use of oral allylestrenol in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion: A retrospective clinical trial
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):427-432.
Increase in the number of female doctors and the challenges that Japan's medical system must face
Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):433-435.