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Global Health & Medicine -> 2021 Vol.3(No.6)

HIV testing in COVID-19 pandemic and beyond in Japan
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):356-357.
Cardiovascular disease, a major global burden: Epidemiology of stroke and ischemic heart disease in Japan
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):358-364.
Endoscopic resection for gastrointestinal tumors (esophageal, gastric, colorectal tumors): Japanese standard and future prospects
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):365-370.
Surgical strategies for treatment of clinical T4 esophageal cancer in Japan
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):371-377.
Current status of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy for advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):378-385.
The primary tumor location in colorectal cancer: A focused review on its impact on surgical management
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):386-393.
Original Article
Validation of mailed via postal service dried blood spot cards on commercially available HIV testing systems
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):394-400.
Approach of Medical Excellence JAPAN to create platforms of collaboration in Asia
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):401-405.
Intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence navigation facilitates complete removal of lymph node metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):406-408.
Benefits of physical therapy for people living with hemophilia
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):409-412.
Algeria's preparedness for Omicron variant and for the fourth wave of COVID-19
Global Health & Medicine. 2021; 3(6):413-414.